Thursday, November 14, 2013

Happy One Month Baby

When you have a baby people usually tell you to cherish every minute because time flies...THEY WERE NOT KIDDING! My baby is a month old and I couldn't be happier to have him in my life.  Now I will like to take this time to write a little something to the boy who stole my heart:

Dear Lucas,

You have changed my life in the most magical way possible. Your dad and I are always saying how you have become the love of our lives. I want you to know that you can always count on your mama y papa no matter what. Please forgive me for any mistakes I make along the way but I can assure you that I will always do my best to make you a very happy baby and love you unconditionally.  Here are some facts about you:
  • You love to eat & at this point in your life I can honestly say this is your favorite hobby ;)
  • You were born with THE MOST AMAZING HAIR!
  • You weigh 11 lbs
  • Every time you fall asleep you make the cutest grumpy face 
  • You love to see your surroundings & you are obssessed with fans and lights
  • You are a very strong baby (when you were a week old you rolled all on your own, you push yourself up when we hold you and boy oh boy do you have a great set of lungs)
  • You smile after every meal and that's how I know you have a 'happy tummy'
  • When you eat you make the cutest noises and they always make us smile & laugh
  • You like to sleep on your left side--that's how I slept most of my pregnancy so you got use to it
I love....
  • how you snuggle in my chest. It honestly melts my heart!
  • how you admire your dad when he talks to you
  • singing to you even though I'm not the best at it but somehow it calms you down 
  • your chubby cheeks
  • the way you sleep and how peaceful you look
  • every time we pick you up you perk your butt and it looks adorable
  • how you are loved by so many
  • that Jehovah has blessed us with the greatest gift. You have made us so happy, we love you chubs!

Here are Lucas one month pictures. 

The not so glamorous picture!

 photo 4CF9A06773599780A28F7751F6C666D4_zps919960a9.png

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