Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Week 37 & 38

The countdown has begun--10 days left before my due date! I haven't been able to take pictures of my progress is the last two weeks but I've had several symptoms I would like to share (in case others are experiencing the same)

Latest Update:
  • I'm actually measuring 41 weeks instead of 38--the nurse recommended for me to get an ultrasound to see how much the baby weights
  • I'm 2 centimeters dilated
  • Cervix has thinned out 50%
  • About two weeks ago I started experiencing an immense amount of itchiness around my stomach and I currently have PUPP (also known as Puritic Urticarial Papules & Plaques) read more here. The rash has been extremely uncomfortable and at times it gets really red. I've been using Aveeno Anti Itch cream and it has been a salvation for me! The rash has stayed on my abdominal area so I'm thankful for that.

The ultrasound went well, based on what the nurse told us she said Lucas can be between 7-9 lbs but at the moment it seems he's 8 lbs. I always had a strong feeling he was going to be a bit on the big side so we will have to wait and see. I thought it was adorable to see how much hair he has. 

Other than that everything has been good. My Braxton Hicks have been a bit stronger and more regular and I'm hungrier than usual.
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