Monday, August 26, 2013

Weeks 32 & 33

I can't believe my due date is approaching. I've been having minor contractions and sleeping has become a bit harder but other than that Lucas has been good. I started packing the hospital bag and getting the nursery ready. I'm sure in no time I'll be holding my little baby and our lives will change forever, of course in a magnificent way.

Symptoms: Braxton Hicks Contractions, Lucas loves to push on my bladder so I use the restroom a lot, exhaustion, out of breath, and lack of sleep

Queasy/Sick: Right now nothing in particular, I get really hungry all the time :)

Best Moments: Knowing that we are so close to the due date and soon we will be holding Lucas & of course he's constant kicks & I finally got to feel his hiccups

Belly Button: Innie/Outie

Weight Gain: About 25 lbs

Movements: Lucas loves to move a lot--especially at night time

Cravings: Coconut water, rice & beans

Ring: I can still wear it unless my hands are swollen--then I only wear my wedding band

Stretch Marks: Minor ones by my belly button

Miss Anything: Sleeping on my stomach--but soon I'll miss that unique bond between Lucas and I whenever he kicks, has hiccups and moves around.

Sleep: I sleep Ok. I tend to wake up 3-4 times

Are you showing: Yes I am, many think I'm having twins

Boy/Girl: Boy

Dress: Target (on special for $19)
Shoes: Fashion store


  1. I wish you the best!!!!! These are the easy days!!! But the most rewarding are soon to come !! I love you amiguita!!!!:)

  2. You look beautiful! Lucas will be here soon and it will all be worth it :-)

  3. You are simply stunning! Thank your for stopping by my blog and leaving such kind words. Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy!
