Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Baby Banana Week 20!

Week 20 has arrived! It has been a very busy week from having the anatomy ultrasound, finding out Baby Banana's gender and doing the gender reveal to our family & friends! It's exciting to know I'm almost half way into my pregnancy. I was actually told by the doctor that I might be 2 weeks ahead which means my due date will change.

Here are some fun facts:

  • Baby weights about 10.2 ounces and measures about 6.5 inches.
  • Baby Lucas has working taste buds
  • Now, he's gulping down several ounces of amniotic fluid each day -- that's significantly more than before
*Information was obtain here

Special Cravings: Fruits--specially watermelon & cherries

Symptoms: Pregnancy brain fog & I feel hungry most of the time :)

Belly Button: Still innie/outie process

Books: What to Expect when you are expecting & Mi Libro De Historias Biblicas-we read this one to Lucas

Baby Movements: YES! A LOT! He's a very active baby

Queasy: Raw chicken..still! I can't cook it it really grosses me out.

Weight Gain: About 8-10 pounds

I used some of the pics from the gender reveal because I was 20 weeks.