Here's an update on Lucas:
- 17 lbs 31 oz / 26 inches long
- Wear sizes 3 diapers
- He grabs everything!!! & he loves it
- He is a little adventurer who loves to look around, touch new things and of course put them in his mouth
- Teething started early with him but now is more noticeable : his gums are swollen, lots of droll and he needs to be chewing on something all the time.
- As far as being fuzzy over teething he is doing pretty good, for now!
- He loves tummy time, rolling over, getting on all four and pushing himself to crawl
- Laughs a lot more, loves it when you play peekaboo with him, wants to reach for food and is not so fond of naps lol!
- I can honestly say Lucas is super super super active, from jumping on your lap, making loud noises, if you are holding him he will do a 360 so he can see what's behind him or in front of him (depends how he is being held) & loves to fight his sleep
- We started giving him brown rice cereal from happy bellies and he loves it (I mix it with breast milk and some of my mom friends suggested to spoon feed him instead of the bottle and it worked great) He actually reaches for the spoon already
- He started to shake his head "no" lol, no sure if he understands the concept of NO but he looks funny just shaking his head
- Loves bath and when I read to him
- But the one thing that brings a smile to my face is when I sing "You are My Sunshine" and he will stop, look at me and smile {oh my heart melts} and he also loves to touch & caress our faces
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