Thursday, October 30, 2014

Sensory Activity-Bath Paints

Now that my dear Lucas is a year old I've been able to do more fun activities that include items he might not be so eager to taste haha! Let's face it, babies love to taste anything & everything.

I came across this great activity and you only need two materials. To all the parents out there, if you are looking for more fun games to do with your baby, toddler or older children Pinterest is the TO GO place, they have so many ideas!

I did the "Bath Paint" activity using:
  1. Shaving Cream
  2. Food coloring
I tend to buy the materials at the dollar store or target.

Lucas really enjoyed playing with the bath paints and coloring the bathtub, as seen below! Hope you find this useful and get to try it with your little ones!







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Monday, September 8, 2014

Portrait of my son

Well I've been MIA for a while now (once again) We took a family trip to California and I stayed behind to spend more time with my family. It's been fun and I'm loving the fact that Lucas is spending so much time with everyone. He absolutely loves the attention (mmm I wonder where he got it from lol) Here are some fun things my little one is doing:

  1. Says mama, papa & agua
  2. Loves to give big bear hugs & watch out ladies he might get a bit frisky and put his hands on your shirt! :-/  The funny thing is he will look at you and give you a little smile & it just melts your heart hahaha! TRAVIESO!
  3. He walks, runs, loves to climb stairs
  4. Has 8 teeth
  5. Has a love/hate relationship with naps
  6. Not a big TV lover but loves Peppa Pig
  7. Loves to read and flip the pages
  8. He does the "viejita" face and it is hilarious
  9. He will climb A N Y T H I N G!
  10. He does this "karate/matrix" move where he lifts his hands and takes little steps, cracks me up every time! Hopefully I can take a video.
  11. Loves to bite, yikes!
Overall he is a wonderful, loving, unique baby boy! We love you Lucas!

Can't wait to share the rest of the pics of our California trip <3



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Friday, August 15, 2014

Mom & Son

A little mom & son fashion!

As far as fashion goes I've always opted for the "deals". I barely buy any clothing that is considered an expensive brand (but if the opportunity presents itself why not, right?). My outfit total cost was about $70.00, maybe less! I tend to buy my stuff at the total fashion stores as well as the shoes. I love the selection they have and it also fits me perfect because I'm on the smaller size.

Lucas Oufit:
Onesie Target
Overall: H&M

& of course I have to put the "Please do not touch me mom" pics lol I love this boy!

(pics taken on 8.14.14 -- lucas is 10 months)
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Thursday, August 14, 2014

A portrait of my son

I've missed blogging most of Lucas growth and all his beautiful accomplishments. So now is time to catch up!
  • Lucas learned to crawled when he was 5 months (3/31/14) I remember that day so clearly because I was at my mom's house and an hour after he crawled we had an earthquake! YIKES! But it was a beautiful accomplishment!
  • 6 months (4/30/14) he said his first word & oh so clearly "MAMA" it honestly brought tears to my eyes!
  • 7 months he said papa & learned how to splash water (5/9/14) & also took his first steps all on his own! 
Beautiful times indeed! Below are some pics I've taken over the last few months of my little one. His smile, the way he sleeps, laugh, he just brings so much joy to our lives!

8.1.14 / 9 months

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